Monday, December 22, 2008


Yesterday I got to spend the ENTIRE day with my hubs :) We decided to not go to church - which was fine with me - we stayed home, cuddled on the couch, took a truck ride to West Bloomfield to pick up some leather/fur gloves that he won for me, then we came home and did some more of the was lovely. He has been working so many hours that I have felt a little dis-connected from him - yesterday that connection was met again :) I love my husband so much - and I thank God for him DAILY. He is the best.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm Spoiled...

This past Wednesday was the 1 year anniversary of my mom's death. My sweet hubby sent me flowers to work. They are gorgeous. He made this week alot easier to go through.

They were alot prettier before they tipped over in my car :( but they are still beautiful!


(that says PEACE)

It's a gorgeous arrangement - My man knows what I like!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Married life

So I've been married a month and one day now...Crazy right? But each day I KNOW that I married the right man for me. He is amazing. Even when I am a horrible person, mean, un-responsive, and even un-loving, he loves me still.

I have been having a hard time dealing with Brian working out of town - this is the 3rd week in a row. This past weekend was the hardest on me and like Priscilla said in her Maid of Honor Speech, I guess I am being selfish, because I want him home with me. But the sad thing is I never thought about how HE must be feeling. When he told me that he missed me just as much as I missed him my heart melted. I feel so bad for being "moody" towards him this past weekend I hate that I let my emotions get the best of our weekend together.

Brian is amazing. I Love him with my whole heart.

love and hugs

Friday, June 27, 2008

My love

I can't believe I get to marry the man of my dreams in just 2 short days!! Brian has been amazing throughout everything - even me snapping at him...he's always looking out for me making sure I"m eating enough and taking care of myself. He's amazing...I cant' wait to be Mrs. Msal!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day

Yesterday was memorial day. Brian and I were invited to 2 different parties, one where a bunch of his friends were going to be, and the other at my sisters house. Brian decided that we would go to my sister's house - he said that he really wanted to go to my sister's house over the other party, but secretly I'm wondering if he knew I would have enjoyed myself better at my sister's vs. the other party and that is why we went....I don't know but whatever is true we had a great time - the both of us. Not just one of us. I love how he looks out for me and my enjoyment.

On the way back from the party Brian and I were talking about different things and he just really encourages me A LOT. I don't have alot of self esteem, it has been torn down over the years from people who really don't care about me. Brian is trying to reverse this and build me up. He tells me things like I'm very musically talented, that I'm beautiful etc... things where my self esteem have plummeted to zero. He is amazing. I love how he makes me feel :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


If you would like to be added to this blog - to share about your man just leave a comment with your email address and I will invite you to write - all are welcome!!

This past weekend

This past weekend Brian and I went to An Engaged Encounter Retreat. We "had" to go for our pre-marriage "counseling" But about 1/2 way through the first session I realized that this was more than "marriage Counseling" Even though Brian and I had spent HOURS talking about EVERYTHING under the sun we both realized that we hadn't talked about everything. The weekend had a bunch of sessions - after each session either the guys or the girls would leave to write, to answer questions given to us from the leaders and then in about 15 minutes they were joined by their significant other to discuss what they had written. Well Friday night I was in tears both times we got together and talked. Brian listened intently without judging as I told him my worries, fears, thoughts and dreams about our upcoming wedding and marriage. Brian wrote me things that made me fall head over heels in love with him all over again. I can not believe what an amazing guy God has placed in my life....he is everything that I never knew I needed and more.

I have to say that EVERY engaged couple should go to one of these - they do not teach any "doctrine" so even a "baptist" couple or a "catholic" couple or " .....blank" couple would grow leaps and bounds by this information that they give. If you're saying "well I'm already married" well they have one for you married couples too! Go here to check it out.

During the weekend I asked Brian about a ministry that I seen was lacking in our church (I had mentioned it a few weeks before to him but we really hadn't talked about it since then) We discussed it more and he gave his ideas, I put mine in. It is so exciting to be able to work as a team together in ministry...I'm actually really getting excited. I love how he WANTS to serve with me, he wants my ideas and doesn't knock them down or judge me for them. He listens and explains things that I really didn't "get". I really think we can do this ministry together!

I can't wait to marry that boy~!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Screen Doors and Chairs

Brian has been working some crazy hours lately and just goes home and wants to drop dead....Well last night he called me at 6 p.m. and said he was on his way back to the house. (and this was EARLY compared to when he's been calling me) Well I had been painting all day trying to get the house finished before the end of may (anyone want to help me??) So I made dinner and had it on the table when he got home. After dinner I expected him to go and drop on the couch but instead he put the screen in the front door - because he knows that I like to have the door open...then he put the bar chairs together that we got for our shower - they look amazing :) Then we took down these crazy things that were on the cupboards - it totally opens up the kitchen. Then we started drawing out the plans for a patio :) He is SO much better at figuring the whole "look" of the patio than I am!! He had some amazing ideas. After all that THEN we sat down and watched a movie together - it was an amazing night :) We got a bunch of stuff done and we got to spend time together!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I felt so special

At my high school graduation on April 26th, one of my guy friends came up to congratulate me and gave me a hug (right in front of a group of very conservative people that we both know). It was such a little thing, but it meant so much to me. I was surprised that he was even there, because he's very busy. It just made my day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I am so in love with him...

Everyone thinks I am crazy, but I gave Michael free reign about the honeymoon and he is surprising me. I gave him a few stipulations: no cold weather, no cruise (I didn't want to chance getting seasick...we will go someday, just not for our honeymoon), and no camping. :-P

Well, God has been providing for our honeymoon just as He has for our wedding. I shouldn't really even be surprised but He continues to show His power and I continue to be amazed. All I know at this point is that it will be 10 days long. :-D 10 days? I never dreamed that would be possible! Thank you Lord! Michael is so cute... he is also doing something special for me on the 19th which happens to be my birthday. Who would have thought I would celebrate my birthday on my honeymoon? :-D

Oh, and we now officially have an apartment to live in on campus in the married student housing and will move in on the 26th or 27th of June! Yay! I can't wait to decorate our little home. :-D

He's so good!

I have been sick/in pain for the past 4-5 days and have been doing a gall bladder cleanse. Brian has been SO supportive of me. He has been so worried about me - it's almost overwhelming. He always made sure I had apple juice in the fridge the next day. He even helped me when I was puking in the sink. Gosh I love him :)

He is so good to me :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

YAY for a new dishwasher!!

The dishwasher at Brian's house has been going down hill since I met Brian - but as of late the dishes are coming out dirtier than when I put them in! I've basically been scrubbing them clean before putting them in the washer. Well Brian told me to go to sears and find a dishwasher that I liked and let him know. The salesperson told us to come back on Saturday when the sale was going to be even better than when I was looking at it. So Brian went back on Saturday, and bought the exact one that I picked out. I was shocked because I had never picked out an "appliance" this big before.

He had his brother come over on Saturday to install it - they worked so hard on it - and it runs really good, and I LOVE IT! The dishes are CLEAN!!!!

Thanks Babe :)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He works so hard!

I am SO thankful that Brian has such a good job. I am So thankful that he enjoys his job (for the most part!) There are days that he works really long hours, and doesn't go to bed until the wee hours of the morning.

Yesterday he ended up working from 7 a.m. until 1:30 a.m. just to make sure this machine is running better. He is so dedicated to his job. He also got up this morning and had to go into work at 7 a.m. again - pour guy I have no clue how he does it - I wouldn't be able to work those kind of hours!!

I love that he is a hard worker. I would really be upset if he wasn't!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Letters From the Heart

I have only been seeing Loren (yes it's a male) for a very short time. But the way he approached me was magical. I love letters and cards and such and he did not know this. I had randomly met him in the salon that I work for in January and had a very brief conversation with him. Little did I know he had an eye for me. I of course thought he was just gorgeous but I would never dare to say a word. A few weeks back he left me the sweetest note on my car with a little flower asking me to join him for dinner! I was on cloud 9 to say the least. It's the little things from the heart that matter most. 

I wanna hold your hand!

I love when Brian holds my hand...if we're walking in a store, or at church when he reaches over and grabs my makes me feel special. I especially love it when he puts his arm around me while sitting down. I love how he shows he cares for me.

my Thomas

I am so blessed to be married to T! He is so compassionate and loves me like I never even dreamed. Not merely romantic, he's thoughtful. Because I work out of the home sometimes our house looks like it's been forgotten, until I get a chance to catch up. After a busy weekend with church ministries and a long Monday at work yesterday I came home to the smell of lasagna baking - in a tidied house, for the first time in a few days. He'd taken time out of his day to take the burden off of me and free up some time I didn't plan to have. And he never holds it over my head - he just quietly loves me with his time and effort and understands my shortcomings. What a man!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My Brian

I have to say that Brian is SO smart - he truly does amaze me at times :) The other night he wired the garage for more electrical outlets - I would have NEVER known how to do that! He takes such good care of me - always wanting the best for me! I can't wait to marry that boy!!